FAQ - The Construction Process - Concrete Pools
Stage 1
Contract & Deposit
You've signed the Contract and paid the Deposit (the 1st Progress Payment). This gets the whole ball rolling.
Stage 2
Engineering & Council Approvals
Plans for your pool are done and sent to our Engineer and Private Certifier for all the neccessary approvals needed for your project which takes between 5 - 10 working days.
Stage 1
Pool Excavation - USUAL TIME TO COMPLETE – 1 DAY
Completion of excavation and delivery of reinforcement to site – 25%
7.00am Arrival on job site. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BE PRESENT AT THIS TIME. You will be required to complete a pool builder sheet. This document confirms the final positioning of the pool, pump, skimmer box, all accessories along with the datum (height) of the pool. Once this is completed we will then commence the excavation of the site. Excavation generally takes the whole first day depending on the size of the pool.
During the day the steel reinforcement for the concrete shell is delivered.
Stage 1 Progress Payment is now due.
Stage 2
Shell Construction - USUAL TIME TO COMPLETE – 1-2 DAYs + 2 WEEKS CURE
Completion of structural shell and internal plumbing – 35%
The steel reinforcements are commenced as per the engineer’s specifications. If needed any in ground or out of ground boxing is completed. The pool skimmer box is fitted and pre-plumbing (or internal plumbing) is done ready for the spraying of concrete to commence. This generally takes one day depending on the size of the pool.
Usually on the next day the concrete shell is sprayed with concrete determining the shape of the pool. More often than not this is the most exciting day for the client as they see their pool project taking shape.
Stage 2 Progress Payment is now due.
Stage 3
Delivery of filtration and/or equipment – 10%
After completion of your concrete shell, we have a minimum of two (2) weeks or 14 days curing of the shell. This is a great time to erect your fence ready for an inspection prior to filling the pool. Not having a certified fence can delay further works to the pool.
Approximately 2-5 days after the shell is finished we return to the site to conduct a site clean. We strip the boxing and do any general cleaning that needs to be done. It is good to note that the more extensive the formwork is the longer it will be up. While we are there, we install the external plumbing of the pool and fit the pump, filter, light, chlorinator and any accessories. Once the equipment is delivered to your site, the equipment is your responsibility so please note this with your insurance company.
We will run the pool earth wire back to the pool pump station. You then require YOUR electrician to provide power to the pump station and connect up the pool earth. (N.B If a heat pump is part of the contract you will require YOUR electrician to hard wire the system).
Stage 3 Progress Payment is now due.
Stage 4
Coping & Tiling - USUAL TIME TO COMPLETE – 1-2 DAYS
Completion of coping and/or tiling – 10%
Is the laying of your pool coping being either pavers or tiles. On the same day, if ordered, waterline tiles will be laid or any water features will be built. At this time we need to have your fence certified. When your fence has been fully completed contact us so we can arrange for the fencing inspection. When it is completed we can move to the next stage.
Stage 4 Progress Payment is now due.
Stage 5
Interior Lining - USUAL TIME TO COMPLETE – 1 DAY
Completion of the internal lining and initial chemical treatment – 10%
At this stage the pool interior is cleaned, all pipes are sealed up and the internal finish is applied. All finishes have different time periods for completion. I have listed the main options below and their time periods.
PEBBLECRETE or JEWELS 4 POOLS finishes are sprayed into the pool in one day after the clean. The finish is left to dry overnight and then it is acid washed and cleaned out. This is the stage where your tap is turned on and the pool begins to fill. The pool needs to be filled to just below the paver height covering all of the internal finish. It is critical that the tap is not turned off or people enter the pool before filled. This can cause a staining of the finish that cannot be cleaned. It is the client’s obligation to control the water level of the pool up to the paver level.
TILED pools can take a number of days depending on pool size. When laid and grouted allow one to two days to completely dry. The pool is then filled up to the water level required.
Stage 5 Progress Payment is now due.
Stage 6
Practical Completion & Handover - USUAL TIME TO COMPLETE – 1 DAY
Practical Completion Stage - 2%
At this stage all money is to be paid up. We require you to have a final look over the pool. We then require you to email us and confirm that you are happy with the practical completion of the pool or to detail what your specific concerns are that may need to be remedied.
Stage 6 Payment is now due.
Handover is then done by doing adding the needed chemicals and giving the client a run through your equipment & how to use and general pool care.
Our handover man will explain pool operation, equipment and maintenance during this final visit. A handover report sheet is also completed.
The pump and filter will need to be run for the next 24 hours continuously and you will need to conduct cleaning of the filters after this period. The pool will need to be vacuumed again under instructions by Handover man, but Factory Pools will leave the pool clean and chemically balanced.
NOTE: When installing swimming pools there can be a number of unforeseen issues that can prolong the five step process. We have listed some that have become an issue in the past. Rain, public holiday's, weather, paving, paver delivery, pool, pool freight, excavation, equipment breakdowns, employee’s sick days, crane hire, underground pipes, etc.